Credit Application

Credit Application

Credit Card
Bank Draft

Our terms are net 15 days, any account that becomes past due by 15 days will be placed on COD, and 10% surcharge will be added for each day past due.

 In support of this application, Quicken Truck and Trailer is hereby authorized to obtain credit and/or financial information from my/out bank(s), other financial institutions or commercial firms with whom I/we have done business. It is understood that any such credit and/or financial information will be held in the strict confidence and used only in consideration of this application. Upon approval of this application, it is agreed that each invoice will be paid in full upon receipt or in accordance with the terms of sale of Net 30 days or as stated on the invoice(s).Should I/we not pay Quicken Truck and Trailer according to the terms agreed upon, it is understood that credit privileges may be withdrawn.  Should Quicken Truck and Trailer find it necessary to obtain assistance in collecting any past due balance. I/we agree to pay finance charges assessed each month (or such other rate allowable by State law), reasonable attorney fees, collection fees and/or court costs allowable by law. Claims arising from/or due to dispute for invoices must be made within seven working days.  

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